Medical Aesthetics

Is Microneedling Effective For Acne Scars?

Microneedling is effective for almost all types of scars.[1] Microneedling San Diego involves making tiny pricks in the skin using a pen-like device. Professional microneedling devices are motorized and can reach deeper layers of the skin than at-home devices.

The needles might feel scratchy on the face or neck. Your dermatologist might recommend applying hyaluronic acid, growth factor, or peptide serum afterward.


Microneedling, also known as percutaneous collagen induction therapy (PIN), is a minimally-invasive treatment that can help to improve skin tone and texture. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars. The procedure works by stimulating the skin’s natural healing process by creating micro wounds in the tissue. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which results in younger-looking, tighter skin.

During the procedure, a dermatologist or aesthetician uses a pen-like device with tiny needles to create small pricks in the skin. The procedure is relatively painless, and a topical anesthetic can be used to reduce any discomfort. Most people require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results.

Before the procedure begins, the dermatologist or aesthetician will cleanse the skin and apply a numbing cream to the area that will be treated. This will prevent any discomfort during the procedure, which usually lasts about 30 to 60 minutes.

The pricks that are made in the skin during microneedling may cause slight redness and irritation afterward, but this is normal and should subside after a few days. Microneedling is generally considered safe for most individuals and can be performed on all skin types and colors. However, it is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding or has active acne lesions.

Clients should avoid waxing or resurfacing treatments for a few weeks before a microneedling session and should use a mineral SPF to protect the skin. Additionally, clients should use hyaluronic acid, epidermal growth factors, peptides and antioxidants at home to support the healing and rejuvenation of the skin after microneedling.

When done by a medical expert, microneedling can be an effective treatment for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, minimizing scarring, shrinking pores, and improving skin tone (including fading dark spots). Microneedling also helps to stimulate collagen production, which decreases with age. It’s a simple, non-invasive procedure, and it can be performed on your face and other parts of your body.

The person performing the treatment will apply numbing cream to your skin, which prevents you from feeling the needle pricks. Then, they will move a pen-shaped device that has tiny needles on it over your face in several directions. The needles create tiny abrasions that tell your body to amp up collagen production to patch up those injuries. This results in a thickening of your skin and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, stretch marks, pore size, and discoloration.

Another way to boost the effectiveness of microneedling is to pair it with platelet-rich plasma. This treatment uses a sample of your own blood, which is spun to concentrate the platelets and transforming growth factors, then injected into the skin around the area where you want to see more collagen. It’s commonly referred to as the Vampire Facial, and it works great for reducing large pores, brown spots, and hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage.

You’ll start to notice results immediately, and your skin will look plump and radiant for a few weeks after treatment. However, multiple sessions spaced a month apart are usually necessary for optimal results. After that, you’ll continue to see improvements in your skin tone and texture, as well as a reduction in scars, stretch marks, and pore size.

Microneedling helps smooth and even skin tone. It reduces blotchy or uneven patches, especially those caused by acne scarring or psoriasis. It also reduces broken capillaries and spider veins. It’s also been used to reduce melasma, but the research is mixed on whether it actually does so (it probably doesn’t).

Fine lines and wrinkles are also reduced by microneedling. The tiny injuries stimulate collagen and elastin production, which help plump up the skin, making fine lines and crow’s feet less noticeable. Some people see an improvement after just one treatment, but it’s usually a series of five treatments spaced over a few months to get the best results.

It’s also effective in reducing pore size, which is another problem associated with hyperpigmentation and broken capillaries. The procedure can be used to reduce oiliness in the skin as well.

You can also combine the treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to boost results. This is created by drawing a small amount of blood and spinning it to concentrate the platelets and transform growth factors, then applying it to the skin after microneedling to increase its healing effects. It’s a good idea to avoid microneedling if you have a blood disorder or are taking blood thinners. You should also avoid this treatment if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s also not recommended for people who have active skin infections, or severe active acne. A consultation appointment with a dermatologist before the procedure will help ensure that it’s safe for you. The consultation will help you understand the procedure, healing process and your desired outcomes. It’s important that you work with a board-certified dermatologist who has experience performing cosmetic treatments like microneedling.

Microneedling is a safe, effective way to decrease the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation and more. It also stimulates collagen, which helps with skin texture and tone. However, it is important to discuss the risks and side effects of this procedure with your doctor before you decide whether or not it is right for you.

It is possible to get an infection from the microneedling treatment, but only if you don’t properly take care of your skin afterward. You need to wash your hands before and after using the device, and make sure the needles have been properly cleaned. You should also avoid exposing your skin to dirty surfaces and letting dirt or bacteria collect in the small wounds. Finally, it is best to only get microneedling treatments from a licensed medical professional.

Another risk is that the treatment can be painful, although it will depend on how deep the needles go. You can use numbing cream before your session to reduce the pain. You will also need to wait a few days for your skin to heal after the treatment, but the results are worth it!

If you have pockmarks or scars from severe acne, microneedling can help improve the appearance of these. It can also help with hyperpigmentation from sun damage, as it can help stimulate the production of collagen, which can even out the discoloration.

While you’re healing from the microneedling, it’s important to wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. UV rays can cause skin damage and speed up the aging process, so it’s always best to be protected. You should also make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet to keep your body in tip-top shape!

Despite the popularity of microneedling, it should only be performed by a trained professional who can assess skin health and determine if it’s appropriate for you. It’s also important to choose a device with sterilized needles and only use it on clean skin—not on open sores or active acne breakouts.

Home microneedling devices are not as effective as those used by professionals because they only penetrate the outer layer of skin, the epidermis, to a depth of 0.25 mm. They’re not designed to stimulate new collagen and elastin or target other problem areas like the chest, arms, legs, and back.

Professionally applied microneedling can also be used in conjunction with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a treatment derived from blood drawn from your body, that boosts the regenerative effects of the procedure and boosts your cosmetic outcome. PRP contains a high concentration of the growth factors that can help reduce dark spots and fine lines and wrinkles.

Benjamin recommends prepping your skin before a microneedling session by cleansing and exfoliating with a gentle chemical or fruit enzyme peel. It can also help to choose a serum that maximizes the benefits of your microneedling session. “Look for ingredients that will increase absorption such as hyaluronic acid, stem cells, peptides and growth factors,” she says. “Avoid products that can cause sensitivity, such as alpha hydroxy acids and retinols.”

If you want to give microneedling at home a try, a simple dermaroller is available at beauty and wellness retailers for around $10 and up. It uses a slender needle barrel to create the tiny punctures, but is manually rolled across your face. It’s best to avoid the sensitive areas of your nose, mouth and eyes.