Dental Services

How Braces Can Improve Your Oral Health

Having properly aligned teeth plays an important role in your oral health. Crooked teeth or an improper bite can lead to many issues, from bad breath to tooth decay.

Braces Las Vegas helps correct misaligned teeth and jaws for better oral health. Straight teeth also lead to a more confident smile.


When teeth are misaligned or have gaps, it’s harder to clean them properly, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Braces help to correct these issues, resulting in healthier teeth and a lower risk of future dental problems.

Aside from boosting self-esteem, straight teeth have many health benefits as well. They make it easier to chew food and speak clearly, resulting in improved digestive functions. They also reduce pressure on the jaw joints, preventing the development of chronic headaches and other discomforts.

Teeth that are misaligned or have gaps are harder to clean, and this can lead to bacterial buildup that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Braces help correct these issues by creating uniform spacing between teeth, making it easier for toothbrush bristles and floss to reach all areas of the mouth. This helps prevent the accumulation of bacterial plaque that can lead to gum disease, which in turn improves your overall oral health.

During orthodontic treatment, it’s important to avoid eating foods that are hard, sticky or crunchy. This is because these foods can damage or break the brackets and wires that are used to move your teeth. You may want to carry a small dental hygiene kit with you at all times, so you can remove any food debris or soft plaque that builds up on the surfaces of your teeth and around your braces. This includes an interdental brush, which can be used to clean nooks and crannies in your mouth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush, and floss threaders, which are designed to help you get between your teeth.

If you wear a retainer, it’s crucial to clean it regularly as well. It’s best to soak it once a day in a solution of warm water and mild dishwashing liquid, and then to rinse it thoroughly before putting it back in your mouth. You should also avoid eating any foods that could damage or dislodge your retainer, such as taffy, caramel, gum and popcorn. If your retainer becomes loose or falls out, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your dentist.

While it is normal to experience a drop in confidence when wearing braces, it’s important to remember that these feelings are temporary. By focusing on the positive aspects of the treatment such as a straighter smile and improved oral health, it is easier to build self-esteem throughout the process. Surrounding yourself with supportive family and friends who uplift and encourage you during this time will also help. You can also reach out to others who have had the same orthodontic journey through online forums and support groups.

For children, teens, and adults, crooked teeth can make it difficult to eat or talk. This can lead to a variety of problems including speech impediments, poor nutrition, and even bullying. Many of these problems can be prevented by getting braces.

Straighter teeth are easier to clean, which helps to prevent issues like bad breath and gum disease. In addition, a poorly aligned jaw can cause misalignment of the head and neck, which leads to headaches and discomfort. This is why it’s so important to get your child, teen, or adult the best care possible.

Having braces doesn’t just improve your oral health, it can also help you feel more confident and beautiful. When you’re proud of your smile, it’s easier to feel good about yourself, inside and out.

In addition to straightening teeth, braces can also correct a lisp or overbite which can have an impact on communication. Straightening your bite can help you be understood better by others and increase your confidence in public speaking, presentations, and when making new friends.

Aside from straightening your teeth, you can also use your orthodontic treatment to address other issues such as jaw pain and a poor diet. By ensuring your teeth are healthy and properly positioned, you can enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile, improved nutrition, clearer speech, and fewer issues like headaches or jaw pain. By investing in your smile with braces from the experts at Molen Orthodontics, you can give yourself a confidence boost that will last a lifetime!

If you have misaligned teeth, it can be difficult to chew food properly. This makes the mastication process slower, and it’s also harder for your stomach to digest the food you eat. Braces can help to correct overbites, underbites and any other teeth misalignment problems to improve your ability to chew. The result is better digestion of your meals and improved overall health.

Crooked and crowded teeth can create tight spaces that are hard to reach with dental floss and brushing, leading to bacterial build-up. Over time, this can lead to gum disease, cavities and tooth decay. Braces for adults can correct this problem by creating more space between teeth to remove food particles and bacterial residue. This can also help prevent bad breath caused by bacterial build-up.

Overlapping or misaligned teeth can put extra pressure on the jaw bone when chewing and biting, which can lead to teeth and jaw bone loss. With braces, the teeth are properly aligned, and the force of chewing and biting is evenly distributed. This can protect the teeth and reduce the risk of issues like jaw pain, headaches, earaches and tinnitus.

In addition, if you have protruding teeth, they are more likely to sustain dental trauma from accidents such as a sports injury or falling. With braces, these teeth are more even, and the risk of trauma is reduced.

Disproportionate teeth can cause speech issues such as a lisp. This is because the tongue has trouble moving around crooked or uneven teeth. Braces can move the teeth and jaw to correct this for clearer and easier speech.

If you’re considering getting braces for adults, talk to your dentist first to make sure that your mouth is healthy enough to support them. You may need to address other oral health concerns, such as gum disease, before undergoing treatment. An orthodontist can check for signs of gum disease, such as red and swollen tissue, to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for braces. They can also recommend a good oral hygiene routine to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy during your treatment.

The jaw joint (called the temporomandibular joints) can become inflamed or misaligned, leading to pain and discomfort. The symptoms can include clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing your mouth, difficulty chewing or biting, and a locked feeling in your jaw.

Braces can help relieve jaw pain by straightening your teeth and correcting dental misalignment, as well as balancing the bite, which alleviates stress on the temporomandibular joints. They may also help you avoid foods that are difficult to chew, such as tough meats and sticky sweets, which can put additional pressure on the jaw joints.

Your orthodontist will use a combination of fixed appliances to treat your bad bite, including metal braces, elastic bands, and arch wires. They’re bonded to your front teeth, and the arch wires are tightened to put tension on the teeth and help them move to their proper positions. Over time, this corrects the bite and improves oral health.

While the tightening process can cause some discomfort, this is generally minor and will subside as you get used to the appliance. If you experience severe discomfort or persistent sores, talk to your orthodontist. They’ll likely recommend eating softer foods, taking over-the-counter ibuprofen, and applying a cool compress.

You’ll need to visit your orthodontist for follow-up appointments every 4-8 weeks. They’ll check the progress of your treatment and make adjustments to the ligatures, brackets, arch wires, or a-chains as needed. They’ll also reposition any loose or broken bands or use a special super-elasticity nitinol wire known as the “space age wire” that NASA developed for their solar panels and antennas.

Braces are one of the most effective treatments for TMJ disorder. If you’re experiencing TMJ symptoms, We can address the underlying causes of your jaw pain by straightening your teeth and aligning your bite, as well as providing exercises to strengthen the muscles of your jaw.